Enjoy these advantages ONLY here, at globalrelax.com
Your well-being is a priority for us, before, during and after your purchase.
We are so sure of the quality of GLOBAL RELAX products that your purchase is protected by a 2-year Warranty and the option to extend it up to 5 Years (2 + 3).
Select the way you want to contact us (online chat, telephone, e-mail, social networks,…) and the language in which you want to contact us (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch).
Just by placing your first order, you will become a member of "EXCLUSIVE by Global Relax", a unique program with multiple benefits, discounts, personalized attention, ...
Solve all your doubts by consulting our FAQ
We have created a complete section of Frequently Asked Questions so that you can solve any questions that may arise.
Global Relax® PRODUCTS
A selection of our relaxation, rest and health products
At Global Relax we have the most common payment methods in your country. If you cannot find a payment method to purchase one of our relax and massage products, please contact us.
Our shipments are managed by the main European logistics companies, leaders in their sector. From the first moment you will have a code to know in detail where your product is at each moment and when you will receive it.
We have the main quality certifications and online shopping. Trust our reax and massage products with complete confidence.
Empresa beneficiaria de las subvenciones de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha: Ayudas del Programa Adelante Digitalización, para la transformación digital de las pymes de CastillaLa Mancha. Proyecto incentivado con una subvención cofinanciada en un 80% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Objetivo del proyecto: La modernización de las estrategias de comunicación y venta, y para el impulso a la actividad de comercio electrónico.