Tips for preventing back pain

Published : 2018-10-03 14:43:06
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According to experts in Rheumatology, back pain is one of the most frequent chronic health problems, and although these may have different origins and be due to various causes, we have the option of preventing and alleviating some back pain. For this, we gathered 10 tips that will help us prevent and control back pain:

1. Perform daily muscle stretches and joint mobilization for approximately 15 minutes a day to keep the back worked and protected.

2. Perform physical activity on a regular basis, since sedentary life is not only a risk factor in the occurrence of back pain but is responsible for the perpetuation and chronification of the problem. It is recommended to perform at least 3 sessions of exercise a week and, if this option is not possible, walk at least 45 minutes at a good pace per day.


3. Pay attention to the diet following healthy eating habits. Restrict saturated fats by choosing healthy fats like Omega-3s present in blue fish. It is important to eat right proportions of carbohydrates and choose those that come from complex carbohydrates (pasta, whole beans), eating fruits and vegetables every day as they help cleanse the body and reduce the onset and perpetuation of chronic pain. Also, do not forget to maintain a correct level of hydration trying to reach at least two liters of water daily.

4. Adopt good postural habits in moments of relaxation. Ideally, keep your back straight and fully supported on the backrest with relaxed shoulders and knees aligned in height with the hip or a little below it.

5. To get used to sleeping in correct positions, because bad posture influences increasing pain and can generate tendonitis in shoulders or sensations as annoying as torticollis. The recommended position when sleep is sideways leaning on the left side of the body (helps to prevent reflux by the position angle of the stomach), if we place the arms 90 degrees flexion shoulders for be free and do not carry all the weight on them. In addition, the pillow should be consistent to keep the neck aligned with the rest of the back

6. Avoid sudden movements when performing daily gestures such as sitting and standing up, as these gestures performed without heating can trigger muscle injuries.

7. Maintain postural hygiene in the workplace. In the case of people who work in the office, they spend many hours a day sitting in a chair so it is essential to take care of aspects such as not crossing the legs, resting the feet on the floor, aligning the hips with the knees, having the shoulders Relaxed and elbows at right angles and adapt the position of the chair.

8. The position taken in the vehicles is also important, when setting out on a trip you must adjust the height of the car seat well. In the case of a bicycle ride it is necessary to modulate the height of the saddle so that neither the back nor the knees suffer.

9. In case of back pain, to placate it is important to apply gentle heat in the painful area for no more than 10 minutes, to help relax the muscles.

10. In case the discomfort persists, it is necessary to go to the physiotherapist. In consultation the professional will not only alleviate the symptoms of pain but will provide a routine and regular routine of exercises to control it and prevent its reappearance.

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